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The Hire Purchase Act of Uganda, 2009 is a commendable
effort from the Ugandan law makers which seeks on one hand to respond
to the commercial needs of the people by providing a legal framework
aimed at creating a regulatory guideline for the concerned parties in a
hire purchase transaction and at the same time, cater for the rights,
duties and most importantly, the procedure for enforcing such rights or
duties when the need arise. The hub of this paper is to examine few
clauses in the Ugandan Hire Purchase Act with a view of ascertaining
whether those clauses are in tune with the generally acceptable way of
legislative drafting while at the same time engage in a comparative
analysis between the Ugandan and Kenyan Hire Purchase Act. The
essence of this comparison is to bring out few provisions in the Kenyan
Act which this researcher considers germane but perhaps via legislative
omission; (those provisions) are not included in the Ugandan Act.

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Author Biography

Abdulkareem Azeez, Kampala International University, Uganda
