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Muslim women of the 21st Century are faced with numerous challenges associated with adhering to the moral values which can guarantee their well-being in this world and success in the hereafter. The challenges range from choosing a suitable marriage partner, maintaining a beautiful marriage, single motherhood and widowhood to the struggle for maintenance and provision. This study has employed a descriptive inductive method to review the scholarly work on Lady Khadija’s biography and then draw its legal and moral implications. The main objective of the study was to study Lady Khadija’s biography in relation to the current Muslim women life socio-economic life style. The study concluded that despite the wide generation gap between women of the 21st century and Lady Khadijah who lived in the 7th century, lady Khadija’s life style as a business woman, a wife and a mother gives relevant insights and implications on the moral values, which if adhered to can offer solutions to the numerous contemporary challenges faced by Muslim women today and secure for them successful life here and in the hereafter.


Khadija Jahiliyyah Moral Values Women

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How to Cite
The Biography of Lady Khadija and its Legal and Moral implications on Muslim Women in the 21st Century. (2024). Journal of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language , 2(2), 95-104.

How to Cite

The Biography of Lady Khadija and its Legal and Moral implications on Muslim Women in the 21st Century. (2024). Journal of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language , 2(2), 95-104.


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