Before submitting your manuscript, please read the guidelines below:

Third Party Copyright Permissions

You should ensure that all the content used for the manuscript whether text,  preliminaries, end sections, illustrations, tables, figures, photos, charts, maps, art works, sound recordings, films are not bounded by copyrights ownership of other parties and if there is such binding, permission or release letter must be obtained on delivery of the manuscript.


Conflicts of Interest

Declare any conflicts of interest relating to the manuscript, to guide the Editor on how to evaluate the work.



Manuscripts submitted should conform to the following guidelines:



Article files should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Single-space typed with one-inch margins on all sides in 11-font size – Times New Roman and of B5 (6.93″ × 9.84″) paper size.



Contributions should be in English language.


Article Title

This should be concisely worded.


Article Length / Word Count

The main text should contain 5,000-7,000 words, including text in tables, figures,  references and appendices. The total number of pages should not exceed 20. Please ensure that no author names appear in the manuscript.


Manuscript Components

Components should include: abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusion and evidence of contribution to knowledge, and references.


Author Details

Author details include names and addresses. Author names should be spelt in the exact way and listed in the order that they appear on the manuscript, the way that you would like them to be published. Institutional email addresses are preferred; and the affiliation should be where the authors were based when the research for the paper was conducted. For a multi- authored article, ensure that all parties that have made a substantive contribution are listed as authors, and that the priority of ordering the names is based on the relative scientific or professional contributions. People who have not contributed to the

paper, or who do not want to be associated with the research should not be included. You are encouraged to include your ORCID identification and in case you do not have one, we recommend that you register for it. It takes a short time to do so, and is free. Please note that the file with authors’ particulars, including acknowledgements should be submitted separately from that of main manuscript.



Authors should acknowledge all funding sources, both internal and external, describe the roles of the funders, and include any relevant grant numbers within the text of the manuscripts. They must list all relevant affiliations depending on where the research or scholarly work was approved, supported or conducted. Contributors to the process of research other than those in the authorship category should also be mentioned here.



This should contain 150-250 words highlighting the purpose, methodology, findings and recommendations. A list of at least 3 keywords that describe principal elements of the paper should also be included. Please note that the editorial team may replace, add or remove some of the key words as deemed necessary.


Manuscript Classification

During submission, you will be required to select the type of paper from a dropdown list consisting of among others: Article, Research Instrument, Research results etc.  We advise that you select the ‘Article’ option, unless you have other file categories.


Style and Language

Please ensure that the concepts in the manuscript are clear, focused, readable, grammatically correct, well structured, logical, coherent, and well organised.



These must be concise and hierarchically written according to APA 7 th  edition style. Figures, Plates and Titles All these should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, and with clear captions.



All references must be written according to APA 7 th  edition style. Please make sure that all citations are complete, accurate and consistent.



Manuscripts should be submitted through the IJE online editorial system by the corresponding author. You can submit by clicking on 'Register' (if you have not registered, and complete the registration) and then on 'Login'. Alternatively, click on 'About', then 'Submissions' under which you can also register and login. If the submission is successful, you will receive an automated email from the journal Editor-in-Chief confirming receipt.