Once received, a manuscript is first checked by the EiC who may choose decline it if the content does not fit IJE’s aims and scope, or if its quality in terms of language and style is wanting. This communication should take place within three weeks of submission.

A manuscript that is deemed suitable for publication will be sent to at least two expert reviewers. All papers submitted to IJE are double-blind peer-reviewed. Please not that IJE does not give options to authors to suggest or recommend reviewers for their work. Editors or board members are never involved in editorial decisions about their own work, and in such cases, manuscripts are referred to other editors.
Ideally, reviewers are expected to return their decisions to the EiC within three weeks. On reviewing, reviewers recommend actions to be taken including; accept the manuscript with no correction, with minor corrections or with major corrections.

The other recommendation could be to decline the manuscript. Reviewers’ comments and recommendations are analyzed and compared before a final decision  is made by the editorial board. The decisions are then communicated to the author via the journal’s automated emails. Authors should expect a decision normally within eight weeks of submission. If modifications are made, the author is required to explain all the changes that have been made to the manuscript. The amended manuscript will then be subjected to the process of affirmation of revisions and will either be approved or rejected under the results of the process.